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Burger King Cryptocurrency Bbc

Burger King's WhopperCoin: A Crypto-Currency for Fast Food


Fast food giant Burger King has partnered with blockchain platform Wave to launch its own crypto-currency in Russia called WhopperCoin. Customers who buy the chain's signature Whopper sandwich will earn one WhopperCoin, which can be redeemed for future purchases.

This is not the first time that a major restaurant chain has experimented with crypto-currency. In 2018, Domino's Pizza announced that it would accept Bitcoin as payment in Venezuela. However, Burger King's partnership with Wave is significant because it is the first time that a major fast food chain has launched its own crypto-currency.

How WhopperCoin Works

WhopperCoin is a digital token that is based on the Ethereum blockchain. This means that it is a decentralized currency that is not controlled by any central authority. WhopperCoin can be bought, sold, and traded on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges.

To earn WhopperCoin, customers simply need to buy a Whopper sandwich at Burger King. Each Whopper sandwich comes with a unique code that can be redeemed for one WhopperCoin. Customers can then use their WhopperCoin to purchase future meals at Burger King, or they can sell their WhopperCoin for other crypto-currencies or fiat currencies.

The Benefits of WhopperCoin

There are a number of benefits to using WhopperCoin. First, WhopperCoin is a convenient way to pay for food at Burger King. Customers no longer have to carry cash or credit cards, and they can simply use their WhopperCoin to make purchases.

Second, WhopperCoin is a secure way to pay for food. The Ethereum blockchain is a very secure network, and it is difficult to hack or counterfeit WhopperCoin.

Third, WhopperCoin can be used to earn rewards. Customers who use WhopperCoin to purchase food at Burger King will earn points that can be redeemed for free food and other rewards.

The Challenges of WhopperCoin

There are also a number of challenges to using WhopperCoin. First, WhopperCoin is a volatile currency. The price of WhopperCoin can fluctuate significantly, and this can make it difficult for customers to know how much their WhopperCoin is worth.

Second, WhopperCoin is not accepted everywhere. WhopperCoin can only be used to purchase food at Burger King, and this can limit its usefulness.

Third, WhopperCoin is a new currency. There is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding WhopperCoin, and this can make it difficult for customers to decide whether or not to use it.


WhopperCoin is a new and innovative way to pay for food at Burger King. There are a number of benefits to using WhopperCoin, but there are also a number of challenges. It is important for customers to weigh the benefits and challenges before deciding whether or not to use WhopperCoin.
