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The Minnesota Timberwolves Logo A History Of Design And Symbolism


The Minnesota Timberwolves Logo: A History of Design and Symbolism

Origins and Evolution

The Minnesota Timberwolves logo has undergone several transformations throughout its history. The original logo was designed in 1989 by artist Mark Thompson and featured a snarling wolf with its teeth bared. This logo was replaced in 1996 with a more stylized design by Peter Thornburgh, who also designed the Carolina Hurricanes logo.

The Modern Logo

The current Timberwolves logo was unveiled in 2008 and is a departure from previous designs. It features a sleek, geometric wolf head with a howling mouth. The logo is comprised of navy blue, green, and gold, which are the official colors of the team.

The navy blue represents the strength and reliability of the team, while the green symbolizes the state of Minnesota's forests and the gold represents the team's championship aspirations.

The modern Timberwolves logo is a powerful and iconic symbol that represents the team's identity and history.

